
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Holiday Gift Guide #3 Toys

Holiday Gift Guide #3 Toys

1) Playmags. These are something that Sammy's class at school use and they are obsessed. I confirmed with his teacher that it has been like this for months and the magnetic toys are a total hit. I found these on Amazon and there a few sizes of the sets. If you are a grandparent looking for an educational toy - get this.

2) Balancing Cactus. This is from Plan Toys and can be found on their website or Amazon. This is pretty and made of wood so it is a great unique toy. This really stimulates their creative brains!

3) Melissa and Doug Airplane Set. I love these sets, they hold up really well and make stunning gifts. We're not super fond of plastic things at our house so these are cool and colorful enough for even the most imaginative kiddo.

4) Plan Toys Fire Engine. I like this one because it is simple. And there are not a million small plastic pieces that are going to get totally broken off.

5) Hape Happy Family Car. I got this from Amazon. This is one of Sammy's Christmas presents (don't tell him!) I think this is freaking adorable! Just so cute and I like that he can pretend with it being a family car. Just seems so sweet. Sammy has an affinity for a barbie car so I wanted to get him something all of his own. My husband is evolved but the giant bubble gum pink barbie Beetle is not his favorite thing ever...

These are just a few of the items I really like that I've seen in the natural eco friendly kiddo section. I probably am not the greatest authority on toys since we don't watch TV and I have not seen a commercial in years. But if you're looking for a toy that is natural, sustainable, and really cool consider these. There is nothing at all wrong with plastic toys - we just try to avoid them because they are not always make to be hand me downs. I try to find things that are well made and look great.

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